
New Construction AV Installation

We prepare new construction for contractors! Empire Home Theatre pre installs audio and video for homes that are under construction, renovation and under development.

We offer home theater installation services for contractors looking to pre-install the wiring and cables needed for home internet, wall mounted TV’s, floating soundbar and speaker systems, and more, all under one central receiver that’s easy to manage and maintain.

We turn your floorplans into beautiful plug and play home theater systems that will show home buyers the potential of your properties.

AV Installation Services for New Construction

Wall Mount TV's

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Sed est tellus, vulputate sit amet justo non, varius malesuada dolor. Nullam ullamcorper, metus non rhoncus placerat, urna purus auctor nibh, non finibus sapien turpis ut mauris. Maecenas nec tellus ultricies, sollicitudin nulla vitae, suscipit dui. Donec hendrerit lacus risus, vel placerat augue gravida eget. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

Proin rutrum rhoncus arcu, quis facilisis libero rutrum in. Vivamus diam tellus, efficitur id felis quis, consequat venenatis erat. Etiam tincidunt, tellus eu molestie mollis, diam lorem tincidunt turpis, eu varius augue ipsum et urna.

Pre Wiring For Soundbar and Speaker Systems

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AV Receiver Setup

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WIFI & Router Installation

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Custom Home Theater Design

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Custom Home Theater Intallation

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Commercial AV Installation Services

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